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Cookies are small text files that are sent to the terminal you use to access to the Internet (usually your browser) by the websites you visit. Cookies are stored in your computer or device to be recognized by those websites on your subsequent visits. Each Cookie is unique to each browser and device you use to access Website.

Through the use of Cookies, it is possible for us to make it easier for you to navigate the Site, as well as to analyze your preferences and tastes and, consequently, offer services that are more consistent with your interests and expectations.

Cookies differ on the basis of their use: while some Cookies are strictly necessary for navigating the Website (such as those used to perform navigation or to provide a service requested by the user), others pursue different purposes and, therefore, need the user’s consent to be installed (such as, for example, those used to create user profiles and show personalized advertising).

In addition, Cookies can be installed:

– Directly by the operator of the Website you are visiting (so-called First-Party Cookies).
– By operator of other websites (so-called Third Party Cookies). Unless otherwise specified, it is recalled that these Cookies fall under the direct and exclusive responsibility of the same operator. Further information on privacy and their use can be found directly on the websites of the respective operators.


Cookies and other tracking tools can be classified :

Cookies can be permanently stored in your device until they expire or until you delete them (“Permanent Cookies”) or they can be automatically eliminated when you abandon the Website or when you close your browser (“Session Cookies”).

Technical Cookies

These Cookies are necessary for the provision of the service requested by the user as they allow the normal navigation and use of the Website (for example, they allow access to the restricted area) and enable the Website to remember settings chosen by user, such as language or privacy preferences, in order to improve its services and browsing experience. The installation of such Cookies does not require the user’s consent. However, disabling such Cookies may cause the Site to malfunction.

Analytics Cookies

Analytics Cookies are used to collect aggregate and anonymous information about the number of visitors and how they interact with the Website, in order to optimize its services.

The use of analytics Cookies installed and managed directly by us does not require the user’s consent, as they are assimilated to technical Cookies. Where such Cookies are installed by third parties, your consent will not be required if the tracking tool is used only on the Website, the identifying power of the Cookies is reduced (for example, by masking significant portions of your IP address), and the third parties do not cross-reference the data contained in the Cookies with any other information they have or transmit it to any other third party. Instead, the user´s consent will be required for analytics Cookies installed by third parties without guarantees to minimize the processing of the data collected through them.

Profiling and Marketing Cookies

Profiling Cookies are used to track user behavior on the Website and in emails, in order to create profiles and send users personalized advertisements (i.e., in line with users displayed preferences and interests), including through third parties, and on other websites or social platforms as well as in order to understand and improve the effectiveness of marketing strategy.
These Cookies can be installed by the Website only with the user’s consent.


This category includes all those graphical components of a program user interface, which is intended to facilitate the user in interacting with the program. By way of example, facebook, google+, twitter cookies are widgets.

Web beacons

This category includes code fragments that allow a website to transfer or collect information by requesting a graphic image. Websites may use them for various purposes, such as analyzing website usage, monitoring and reporting activities on advertisements, and personalization of advertisements and content.

A. Technical Cookies (Including session, functionality and assimilated analytics cookies):
The Website uses the following technical, third-party Cookies.
Name of Cookie 1st party or 3rd party Name of the third-party supplier Purpose Expiration
ak_bmsc Third party Akamai CDN This strictly essential technology and cookie is required for the operating of the OCS Widget. This cookie is used by the IOC in order to ensure the delivery of the content (and the Olympic Family Widget), ensure traffic performance and troubleshooting. 18 months
bm_mi Third party Akamai CDN This strictly essential technology and cookie is required for the operating of the OCS Widget. This cookie is used by the IOC in order to ensure the delivery of the content (and the Olympic Family Widget), ensure traffic performance and troubleshooting. 18 months
bm_sv Third party Akamai CDN This strictly essential technology and cookie is required for the operating of the OCS Widget. This cookie is used by the IOC in order to ensure the delivery of the content (and the Olympic Family Widget), ensure traffic performance and troubleshooting. 18 months
B. Analytics Cookies
The Website uses the following analytics, first-party cookies.
Name of Cookie 1st party or 3rd party Name of the third-party supplier Purpose Expiration
dl_anonymous_id Perf First party IOC Behavioural Data Tracker This cookie is used by the International Olympic Committee (“IOC”) to measure this platform’s traffic, and to better understand how Olympics-related content is being consumed by the platform’s visitors. For more information on how the IOC processes personal data, please see 18 months
dl_user_id Perf First party IOC Behavioural Data Tracker This cookie is used by the International Olympic Committee (“IOC”) to measure this platform’s traffic, and to better understand how Olympics-related content is being consumed by the platform’s visitors. For more information on how the IOC processes personal data, please see 18 months
C. Profiling and Marketing Cookies
The Website uses the following first- party profiling Cookies.
Name of Cookie 1st party or 3rd party Name of the third-party supplier Purpose Expiration
dl_anonymous_id First party IOC Behavioural Data Tracker This cookie is used by the IOC to identify the user so that user actions on the site may be collected and used by the IOC to build a holistic view (profile) of the user, thereby contributing to a data model. This enables us to improve marketing efforts on the Olympics digital properties. Particularly, data derived from this cookie is used by the International Olympic Committee (“IOC”) to build a profile of you and your interests, to build campaign audiences that include you or people who share a similar profile to you, and to deliver relevant advertising and other content to those audiences on IOC digital platforms as well as sites and apps owned by other organisations. For more information on how the IOC processes personal data, please see 18 months
dl_user_id First party IOC Behavioural Data Tracker This cookie is used by the IOC to identify the user so that user actions on the site may be collected and used by the IOC to build a holistic view (profile) of the user, thereby contributing to a data model. This enables us to improve marketing efforts on the Olympics digital properties. Particularly, data derived from this cookie is used by the International Olympic Committee (“IOC”) to build a profile of you and your interests, to build campaign audiences that include you or people who share a similar profile to you, and to deliver relevant advertising and other content to those audiences on IOC digital platforms as well as sites and apps owned by other organisations. For more information on how the IOC processes personal data, please see 18 months



When first accessing any page of our Website a banner containing a simplified cookie policy is displayed.
Through this banner, you will be able to:
1. accept all Cookies;
2. express no choice about Cookies by clicking on “X” located in the upper right corner of the Cookie banner and, in the latter case, the default settings (which provide for the installation only of the Technical Cookies necessary for the functioning of the Website) will be maintained
3. make a granular choice about which Cookies to install.

Please note that your consent will only be requested when you first access the Site as it will be stored for up to 6 months to allow you to access the Website pages directly when you return.


Most browsers allow you to accept, manage and disable Cookies through their settings. Through your browser you will also be able to disable Technical Cookies: however, this may cause the Website to malfunction or affect the proper enjoyment of the Website. The settings for managing Cookie preferences are usually found in the browser menu under “options” or “preferences.” To understand how to set them, you can consult the following links:

– Internet Explorer:
– Google Chrome:
– Firefox:
– Opera:
– Safari:

For more information on how to restrict the use of third-party Cookies installed in your browser, you can also visit

Latest update: July 2024